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What do you think of this statement?

In 1944 18 year olds were fighting on Normandy Beach.  In 2017 18 year olds look like My little Pony and play video games.

Posted - March 20, 2017


  • I'd much rather see 18 year olds enjoying themselves than being killed or mutilated in a war.
      March 20, 2017 9:26 PM MDT

  • So would I. But at that time there was true evil loose in the world.  Good people sacrificed there lives to end it.  I'm not a vet.  I was not alive at the time.  I have no idea what I would have done.  The sacrifice and misery endured by people at that time is not comprehensible.
      March 20, 2017 10:18 PM MDT

  • I think that if such an emergency arose again today's kids would rise to the occasion just as they did in Normandy.
      March 20, 2017 10:23 PM MDT

  • I have a wonderful story from a couple of gay friends who went to a nudist beach in Queensland. I can't post it here but if you remind me in a couple of days I'll message you with it. As unlikely as it sounds it's a true story. 
      March 20, 2017 11:42 PM MDT

  • Let us all hope it does not arise. 
      March 20, 2017 11:15 PM MDT

  • There not being a world war going on currently is a pretty good thing in my book.
      March 20, 2017 9:35 PM MDT

  • Hi Whistle6,
    Very thoughtful and interesting Q, and I'm not really certain where I would go with it realistically...I would certainly not want to send 18-year-olds into harm's way like Normandy Beach...

    I am concerned however that we the older generation might be letting this latest one down. They might not be receiving enough life experience from us, handed on to them.
    One idea, is that I am fascinated with the potential of Internet. Might young folk imbibe a wholesome dose of the balance of the older generations at Q/A sites like this one? Some boost of parenting, extended family and such? I hope so...

    * * *
    ...and in turn, I appreciate things like thrash metal, the descendant of the acid rock I listened to in the Haight-Ashbury. Plus ima learn texting, imo that's prolly a fine opportunity, don't you agree? LOL, LMAO, ROTFLOL, LMFAO... ;)
      March 20, 2017 9:38 PM MDT

  • The question is not original to me but posted to me in an email from a friend.   An older generation such as those who experienced WWII can talk forever and those of us who did not experience such suffering and horrors can not know what such an experience was like.  And that generation will soon be gone.  And sadly Candide may be right.  This is the best of all possible worlds.

    I've never texted and generally find all the text speak a tad irritating.   But you may like to know the entire Bible has been translated to lol cat talk. Google lol cat bible.
      March 20, 2017 10:25 PM MDT

  • Oh Whistle6, the lol cat bible is just wonderful...I saw something of it on aMug just a few days ago? Prolly you who posted that? 

    You know, one other thought as I read what you are saying about those who experienced WWII...around ten years ago there was an article in TIME or one of the other news magazines about the quality of politicians who had been through what, say John McCain or fighter pilots or other warriors...the depth of understanding...just not accessible to anyone without knowing sorrow.

    * * *
    I hope Candide is not correct...but you are right, this just may be the best of all possible worlds.
    I am only 90% joking when I say I want to save the world...but then I may end up just go have a cup of coffee. This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at March 21, 2017 8:01 AM MDT
      March 20, 2017 10:35 PM MDT

  • I try not  to think too very much ... It gives me head pains and I've here's it causes wrinkles...I'm not down with that :/ PONY!! This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at March 22, 2017 4:50 PM MDT
      March 20, 2017 9:51 PM MDT

  • think of it or not, you'll still wrinkle.
      March 20, 2017 11:16 PM MDT

  • lol :)
      March 22, 2017 4:47 PM MDT

  • Nope 
      March 22, 2017 4:51 PM MDT

  • Yessssssss :) thank you ;)
      March 22, 2017 4:48 PM MDT

  • 5835
    Well, I have a lot of confrontational opinions along those lines, but I am curious: What point are you trying to make?
      March 20, 2017 11:01 PM MDT

  • Pleas share your opinions.  There is no point, just a passing question.
      March 20, 2017 11:17 PM MDT

  • 5835
    It is a crime to be a teenager. If they join the military they are treated like crap and sent off to die. If they refuse to join the military they are treated like criminals. If there doesn't happen to be a war, they are treated like garbage and kept in school until they are old enough to put in prison. Then they turn 21 and they are expected to act like none of the above ever happened.
      March 21, 2017 1:48 PM MDT

  • Its ridiculous, there are 18 year olds fighting today in the middle east.
      March 21, 2017 2:16 AM MDT

  • Yes, the idea was posted to me and I passed in along without due consideration and retract it.   Still I laugh at the My Little Pony hair, especially on males.
      March 21, 2017 9:54 AM MDT

  • 3191
    While the sheer number of our youth are not engaged in battle as there were during WW II, it is belittling to those who are serving today to be overlooked.  We are at war.  Whether Americans recognize it or not, whether they want to believe it or not, we have been at war over 90% of the time since 1776.  It isn't always a world war.  It isn't always a controversial war (here).  It isn't always even a war that the average American can name.  But the vast majority of the time, some of our young people are fighting somewhere.  
      March 21, 2017 2:37 AM MDT

  • You are right, see above response.
      March 21, 2017 9:55 AM MDT

  • 184
    It is sad but true. However, today's youth would rise to the occasion but it would take longer for them to just learn the basics and in the mean time many more would die.
      March 21, 2017 5:17 PM MDT

  • 604
    Big's what was happening at the time and young people did their part, as the old phrase goes...

    of COURSE these kids today would have NO idea how to act.......BRING BACK THE EFFIN' DRAFT, I SAY!!

    it broke my heart when I first heard that many of our vets had gone back overseas 4, 5, or 6 times!!  I thought 1 or 2 would be i'm only guessing this, but isn't it because there are no others to take their places?

    BRING BACK THE DRAFT......and not for women........MOST not all of them cannot lift, etc........if a lady can lift, etc., then IN SHE GOES>

    if they dont wanna serve, then SOME KIND OF PUBLIC service would be in order.......

    oh well..........- sigh - 
      April 30, 2017 1:59 PM MDT